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The three types of group messages that you might see are: group iMessage, group MMS, and group SMS. The Messages app automatically chooses the type of group message to send based on you and your recipients' settings, network connection, and carrier plan. Free Texting for your Mac computer! You can easily send texts to your friends and family straight from this app. With this app, you will stay connected with everyone you know even if you don't have a phone! Best of all, there is no texting limit! For less than the price of a candy bar you get unlimited texting!

In an era where smartphone ownership is becoming the majority, it’s hard to imagine someone who can’t (or won’t) send out text messages. When was the last time you knew someone who didn’t have a text messaging plan on their mobile? Or better yet, when was the last time someone told you “don’t text me because I’ve hit my limit!”?

You probably don’t remember. And yet, there are still millions of people out there who (whether involuntarily or by choice) don’t have access to free text messaging. Maybe you’re one of them. Sometimes people lose or misplace their phones and need to shoot a quick SMS to their friends or family.

In either case, these free services7 Sites to Send Free Text Messages to Cell Phones (SMS)7 Sites to Send Free Text Messages to Cell Phones (SMS)SMS text messages are still useful! These texting websites will let you send SMS messages from your computer for free.Read More will send free SMS messages to your recipients at no extra cost. Very handy for those rare situations!


SendSMSNow is one of the simplest web services to send free SMS texts. The process is simple – you select a country code, enter the recipient’s number, enter your own phone number, type the message, and off it goes. The text message limit is 130 characters, which is more than most free services will offer!

But the coolest part of SendSMSNow, in my opinion, is that you have an inbox on the site and all replies go straight to that inbox. This way, you don’t even need your phone to continue communication. This inbox also tracks a history of all messages you sent using SendSMSNow.

You can send unlimited free texts with this service. That’s just extra icing on top of an already delicious cake.

Regional Availability: 34 countries, including United States, Canada, Austria, France, Germany, Phillipines, Russia, and more.

Online Text Message

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Even though the website interface for Online Text Message doesn’t look so modern, the service is stronger than most. It supports a whole slew of countries and carriers – so many, in fact, that I had a hard time finding my right selection in the drop-down selection menu! What it lacks in aesthetics, it makes up for in functionality.

You don’t even need a phone number to use this service. Recipients can respond to your texts and those responses will be directed to your email address. Quite convenient, actually. There’s a “Quick Text” option with hundreds of pre-written texts in case you just need to send a fast “Be right there” or whatever.


Text messages are limited to 100 characters.

Regional Availability: All major carriers, including Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Nextel, SunCom, AllTel, and more.

Text ‘Em

The Text ‘Em website looks simple, but that’s just indicative of how easy it is to use their service. All you need is the recipient’s phone number, their carrier, and your message. Text ‘Em supports dozens of different carriers, so it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll be able to text your recipient as long as they’re in the US.

Optionally, you can input your email address, which is presumably used for responses to the texts you send out. Text ‘Em imposes a 155 character limit on texts, which is nearly 50% more than the average free SMS service. Take advantage of it if you can!

Regional Availability: United States.


Our goal has always been to make web-based text messaging free and as simple as possible…” Those are the words of promise that come out of TXTDrop’s creators and, as far as I’m concerned, they’ve delivered on that promise. The interface for TXTDrop is probably the easiest I’ve ever seen. All you need is an email (for replies), the recipient’s number, and a message that will be delivered instantly.

With TXTDrop, you can install a Mac OS X dashboard widgetHow To Place Your Widgets On The Desktop [Mac]How To Place Your Widgets On The Desktop [Mac]Read More or a Windows 7 gadgetThe 7 Best Windows 7 GadgetsThe 7 Best Windows 7 GadgetsRead More which you can use to send free text messages right from your desktop. Extremely useful if you spend a lot of time on your computer and don’t want to retrieve your phone to send out messages.

Regional Availability: United States and Canada.

Yakedi [No Longer Available]

The one downside to Yakedi is that you need to register an account, but if you can get past that, it’s great. With Yakedi, you can be sure that your phone number won’t be misused to send you spam SMS messages. Your information is secure and will private.

With a Yakedi account, you can keep track of all of your sent free text messages. In addition, your account has a built-in address book that you can keep updated with important numbers in case you ever need to send an emergency text to someone.

Unfortunately, Yakedi’s availability is rather limited, so most readers won’t be able to use their awesome service.

Regional Availability: Australia and New Zealand.


If you’d rather have a free SMS alternative on your mobile device, TextFree is the app you want. It’s been consistently ranked as the #1 free texting app and it can send SMS and MMS messages even when you don’t have a carrier or a texting plan. All it requires is an Internet connection.

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With TextFree, you are assigned a unique number that is used whenever you send outbound SMS messages. These texts can be sent to anyone, even if they don’t have TextFree, because they act just like regular SMS texts.

Regional Availability: Over 30 countries, including United States, Canada, Bahamas, Hungary, India, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Venezuela, and more.


With the tools listed above, you’ll never again have to worry about being unable to send a text. If one service goes down, there’s always another one there. If you don’t want to use a website, get the TextFree app – as a bonus, it’ll feel like you’re actually texting someone.

To combat junk, have a look at our guide to reporting spam text messagesHere's How to Report Spam Text MessagesHere's How to Report Spam Text MessagesIf you receive unwanted SMS messages, here's how to report spam texts and fight back against texting spam.Read More.

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Image Credit: Text Message Via Shutterstock

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Explore more about: SMS.

Hamilton Beach Single Or Group

  1. Not a single one of these tools uses SSL. Why would you ever?

  2. How's things?, sometimes I see a 400 site message when I browse your page. Just a heads up, regards

  3. wat about AFREESMS, they are very good online texting website

  4. Hi Team,

    I would like to know, how could these sites offer/provide free SMS, whereas service providers are charging per SMS?

    Please share your knowledge. Thanks in advance.


  5. To Greg... YES.

  6. Does anyone know whether any of these outfits steal and sell your cell number or the cell numbers you text to call centers for profit and our headaches.

  7. Yakedi was a great site. Both my husband and I have accounts but for the past few months we have been unable to send SMS's as the site tells us we have used our 3 free messages for the day. Many, many Emails to Yakedi have been ignored.

  8. I recently took a group of university students to London for a week as part of a study abroad program. I had them all download Whats App and we created a Whats App group - that let everyone see all texts to that group. It worked incredibly well - as long as wifi was available, I could text to the group and everyone in the class received it. Given how much it costs to get international access, this was a lifesaver. We're back in the US now but we're all still using the group to communicate - it's really terrific.

  9. I also like WhatsApp.

  10. Yakedi is available only in Australia, not New Zealand.

  11. I'm kind of new to MUO. Is there a way to save the stuff you like or want to refer back to? Hae a super day all! :)

    • Marie,

      If you don't use Evernote or Pocket and if bookmarking is not enough, you could try printing articles to PDF and save them on your hard drive or in a Dropbox folder.

      Here is an article that describes tools that make printing to PDF easy and allow you to customize the page first, so you can remove all the ads etc.
      3 Easy Bookmarklets To Print Nice Looking Web Pages Without Craplets

      The most popular tool for this task is PrintWhatYouLike.

    • I would like to add that we are planning to add this feature to the website in the next 2-3 months. All logged in users would be able to bookmark stories and have them listed in the profile page (www.makeuseof.com/profile/)

  12. Man, Textfree looks really cool but I live in NZ so it doesn't exactly work... at least there's yakedi

    • Oh damn, only for Australian residents... Nvm...

    • I just want to put this out there. The website is bullshit. It says a whole slew of carriers. There is like ten tops.

  13. These are also really good for those times when you reach for your smartphone, only to find the battery dead. Most smartphones require at least a few minutes of charging before you can even start them up, and if you really need to get that text to your spouse before they leave the office.... well these can save your bacon, or at least ensure he stops to buy bacon.

  14. I found one called HIKE for android. great sms app for indian users

  15. Why do none of these sites work in the UK? Do you have any suggestions for those that do?

  16. I can send a text to someone's phone if I only know their phone number.

    I can send an email that someone will receive as a text on their phone IF I know what carrier their cell service is through. (But how many times do I know that information?)

    If I can send a text from phone to phone without knowing someone's cell service provider, why can't I send an email to someone's phone without knowing someone's cell service provider?

    I should be able to send an email to 16155551234@[somedomain].com and it forward the message as a text to the person's phone who owns that phone number.

    Is there such a service?

  17. You can use the forfone app for iPhone and Android. only free if the other person is as well registered but if not still cheap! ;-) And no strange web page and email to text stuff! :-)

  18. Just went through the rego process for Yakedi only to find it is AUSTRALIA only and not New Zealand. We're always last for this kinda stuff :(
    Oh well............

  19. i amkishor kumar .Can you provide free sms in india

  20. As none of this is available in the UK it would save me reading time if you could say so up front.

  21. these work with few countries not liking that

  22. Check out Hike. The latest revolution in India. You can send 100 free text messages to non hike users who are in India per month and hike to hike is always free. There is also this rewards program for referring friends which would credit to your account instantly. It's the #1 app in the India play store.


  23. I use http://www.textnow.com and have found their service great; free number and unlimited txt messages haven't had a problem yet!

  24. Chikka (google it). Has been around for well over 10 years, now serving upwards of 14 countries including USA. Your first message can go up to 320 characters, then 160--which is still quite good in my experience.

  25. An alien landed on Earth. He looked around and saw everyone sending text messages. He thought to himself, 'Obviously, these creatures are so backward, they haven't even discovered VOICE communications yet!'

    I don't send text messages. Not interested. Never will be. Basically, my philosophy is, If I have something worth SAYING, I'll CALL you; unless you have something worth HEARING, leave me the eff alone! An idea apparently beyond the limits of modern youths' understanding.

    • I guess you don't use e-mail either. In fact, what are you doing typing in here??? And what brand is that soap box you're standing on? You read the article, you read the responses, and now you're busy telling us to 'leave you **** alone'? Take your own medicine!

      • Actually, I've been using email & the Internet since 1993 (before you were born?). I've no problem with something THAT MAKES EFFING SENSE. Texting does NOT make sense. Or perhaps you didn't understand the alien parable? As for the soapbox, the brand is Fels Naptha. And I'm here because I subscribe to MUO, & because I DO use computers. Geez, does it automatically follow that if someone doesn't text, they're computer illiterate?! Really?! You probably think the government is here to help you, huh? And that aliens will be landing on the white house lawn any day now.

  26. I'm in Australia, where it is current practice to pay for every letter. Many thanks

  27. I have a coworker that travels to Malaysia and we use WhatsApp.

    Works great have yet to run up against a character limit.

  28. Are there any free SMS services that can send a message to a shortcode? That's the missing piece for those I've tried.

  29. In India Way2sms ,160by2 ,fullonsms are currently I am using and they very good ..! thank you for the post..

  30. Would you please look at these two? I wanted to send an SMS from my track phone the other day, but it would only send to a full 10 digit number, not the shorter 5 digit or 6 digit codes. So I wanted a web site to do so from. I saw these two, http://www.fivedigittext.com and http://www.sixdigittext.com, but didn't want to give out my info to untrustworthy sites. Would you consider these two and update your report, and perhaps add any other sites that may do the same thing? Thank you!

  31. Unfortunately none of these services appears to work in the United Kingdom.

  32. http://www.yahoo.com click - email, click - compose. click - sms type name of person or phone - send free text. :D)

    Plus there's always SKYPE!

  33. Mighty Text it even tells you the remaining battery charge on your linked smartphone

  34. I am from India and i use http://www.way2sms.com
    It allows 140 characters.

    • Try fullonsms and Hike(like whatsapp + it also allows to send free sms )

  35. good article. any speculation on how or why they operate free.

  36. I use Google Voice.

  37. sendsmsnow not working with me

  38. The Best text msg. site that i like just for sending text's is at-(http://www.textitlater.com) You can even send it to Yourself & send it at a Future Date & Time !...(ps. you can't receive msg's back to you or the Site !.)
    Rick !... ;-)???

  39. I send txt to phones using thunderbird
    depending on which service they have
    phonenumber@vzwpix.com (pictures)

  40. Excellent applications and would be very, very handy if they supported my little unsupported country :(

  41. Nice collection of sites. You can also send sms messages through gmail's chatbox. A lot of countries are covered.

    [Broken Link Removed]

    • Also from Germany? Failed for me, or did I miss something?

      • Here's the list of supported networks operators.
        Unfortunately, it looks like Germany isn't supported yet.

  42. Not a single one gives you the option to respond to your mobile #. And the few websites I did get a message out on were marked 'from: ...@website.com'. I typically use Zipwhip for Sprint (which isn't a lot better), but other than being free I wouldn't recommend these sites to anyone.

    • Interesting - didn't know you couldn't reply. Have not used free SMS much as I had a lot including in my plan. Thanks for the information

  43. Google Voice.

  44. Great article! I use Google Voice for SMS messages and it works well. A little complex since it is really more like a webmail client with the address book.

  45. I have used textfree for a long time. I even bought when it wasn't free. Imagine my surprise when it was downloadable for free.. LOL but anyway, I have used both the iPhone app and the web to send texts.. I think it's quite good. As for texting countries like Mexico, it used to be available but they removed Mexico so that bummed me out and I stopped using it.. But overall I think textfree is great.