Paint Program For The Mac
Paint.NET may be the best photo editing software for Windows, but Pixelmator takes its position on Mac OS X. The Layer palette is one important reason for that. The Layer palette is one important reason for that. Preview is awesome for a number of reasons, and writer Dave Winer points out that it also makes a great paint program. MyBrushes Paint for Mac app is the best Mac paint tool to paint on Mac infinite canvas and PLAYBACK whole drawing. MyBrushes, an excellent paint program for Mac OS X, is a good alternative to Microsoft Paint and Apple Mac Paint.
I tried out several image editors mentioned on this site but some of them (like Pixen and Seashore) were very disappointing. These apps were too simple and low level.
What do you suggest for a (preferably free) image editor on OS X?
P.S: I was using GIMP on Linux and also know that it was released for OS X too, but I want to find new good applications.
Am1rr3zAAm1rr3zA8 Answers
You could try Paintbrush (free).As quoted from its website :
Paintbrush is a simple paint program for Mac OS X, reminiscent of Microsoft Paint and Apple’s own now-defunct MacPaint. It provides users with a means to make simple images quickly, something which has been noticeably absent from the Mac for years.
StuderStuderPixelmator is a great alternative to Photoshop and similar to on windows
jdiazjdiazAcorn ($49 or free with reduced features)
Acorn is what you want.
user3439894I think it’s too subjective. Anyway, probably the two candidates are:
1) You don’t have Photoshop experience (or want to get far from it): Acorn is for you.
2) You know Photoshop and have some experience with it: Pixelmator will make you feel more at home.
Martin MarconciniMartin MarconciniFree Paint Software For Mac
You said that you already know Gimp. I use that at times on my Ubuntu box and my Macbook. Also, Seashore on the Mac for really simple stuff.
Here are a couple of links to open source options.
sorinI use Pixen for the lightweight jobs.
Update 2018: Since I recommended it 8 years ago, Pixen is now a paid app. Apparently I'm not the only one who thought they were doing something right. I wish them well with it. In the intervening time, I've gravitated to using Preview for basic photo editing and markup.
I don't know why nobody talks about Krita.It is free and powerful with a lot of options. I was a real user of Paint.NET and I got sad when I migrated to Mac and didn't get my Paint.NET. Now I am using Krita and this is perfect.
What about the PowerPoint? You can edit images and then take a screenshot.